File Transfer🔗


Portal for transferring files between apps

The org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer portal operates as a middle-man between apps when transferring files via drag-and-drop or copy-paste, taking care of the necessary exporting of files in the document portal.

Toolkits are expected to use the application/vnd.portal.filetransfer mimetype when using this mechanism for file exchange via copy-paste or drag-and-drop.

The data that is transmitted with this mimetype should be the key returned by the org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer.StartTransfer method. Upon receiving this mimetype, the target should call org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer.RetrieveFiles with the key, to obtain the list of files. The portal will take care of exporting files in the document store as necessary to make them accessible to the target.

The D-Bus interface for the this portal is available under the bus name org.freedesktop.portal.Documents and the object path /org/freedesktop/portal/documents.

This documentation describes version 1 of this interface.



version readable u



StartTransfer (
  IN options a{sv},
  OUT key s

Starts a session for a file transfer.

The caller should call org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer.AddFiles at least once, to add files to this session.

Another application can then call org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer.RetrieveFiles to obtain them, if it has the key.

Supported keys in the options vardict include:

  • writable (b)

    Whether to allow the chosen application to write to the files.

    This key only takes effect for files that need to be exported in the document portal for the receiving app. But it does require the passed-in file descriptors to be writable.

    Default: False

  • autostop (b)

    Whether to stop the transfer automatically after the first org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer.RetrieveFiles call.

    Default: True


Vardict with optional further information


a key that needs to be passed to org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer.RetrieveFiles to obtain the files


AddFiles (
  IN key s,
  IN fds ah,
  IN options a{sv}

Adds files or directories to a session. This method can be called multiple times on a given session. Either regular files or directories can be added.

Note that the session bus often has a low limit of file descriptors per message (typically, 16), so you may have to send large lists with multiple org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer.AddFiles calls.

The options vardict currently has no supported entries.


A key returned by org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer.StartTransfer


File descriptors for the files or directories to register


Vardict with optional further information


RetrieveFiles (
  IN key s,
  IN options a{sv},
  OUT files as

Retrieves files or directories that were previously added to the session with org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer.AddFiles. The files or directories will be exported in the document portal as-needed for the caller, and they will be writable if the owner of the session allowed it.

After the first org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer.RetrieveFiles call, the session will be closed by the portal, unless autostop has been set to False.

The options vardict currently has no supported entries.


A key returned by org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer.StartTransfer


Vardict with optional further information


list of paths


StopTransfer (
  IN key s

Ends the transfer. Further calls to org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer.AddFiles or org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer.RetrieveFiles for this key will return an error.


A key returned by org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer.StartTransfer



TransferClosed (
  key s

The TransferClosed signal is emitted to the caller of StartTransfer when the transfer is closed.


key returned by StartTransfer