.. _org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard: ================================ Clipboard ================================ ----------- Description ----------- .. _org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard Description: .. _org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard Properties: ---------- Properties ---------- .. _org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard:version: org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard:version ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: version readable u .. _org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard Methods: ------- Methods ------- .. _org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard.RequestClipboard: org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard.RequestClipboard ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: RequestClipboard ( IN session_handle o, IN options a{sv} ) Requests clipboard access for the given portal session. This request must be made before the session starts. This portal does NOT create it's own session. Instead, it offers existing sessions created from other portals the option to integrate with the clipboard. For whether this interface is supported for a given session, refer to that portal's documentation. See :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.RemoteDesktop` to integrate clipboard with the remote desktop session. session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.Session` object options Vardict with optional further information .. _org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard.SetSelection: org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard.SetSelection ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: SetSelection ( IN session_handle o, IN options a{sv} ) Sets the owner of the clipboard formats in ``mime_types`` in ``options`` to the session, i.e. this session has data for the advertised clipboard formats. See :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.FileTransfer` to transfer files using the ``application/vnd.portal.filetransfer`` mimetype. May only be called if clipboard access was given after starting the session. Supported keys in the ``options`` vardict include: * ``mime_types`` (``as``) A list of mime types that the session has clipboard content for. session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.Session` object options Vardict with optional further information .. _org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard.SelectionWrite: org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard.SelectionWrite ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: SelectionWrite ( IN session_handle o, IN serial u, OUT fd h ) Answer to 'SelectionTransfer' signal. Transfers the clipboard content for the given serial to the method callee via a file descriptor. It is the Callee that creates the file descriptor. May only be called if clipboard access was given after starting the session. session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.Session` object serial The serial of the request where this answer is directed towards fd A UnixFD handle to the contents of the selection being written to .. _org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard.SelectionWriteDone: org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard.SelectionWriteDone ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: SelectionWriteDone ( IN session_handle o, IN serial u, IN success b ) Notifies that the transfer of the clipboard data has either completed successfully, or failed. May only be called if clipboard access was given after starting the session. session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.Session` object serial The serial of the request where this answer is directed to success A boolean which indicates whether the transfer of the clipboard data was successful (``true``) or not (``false``) .. _org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard.SelectionRead: org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard.SelectionRead ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: SelectionRead ( IN session_handle o, IN mime_type s, OUT fd h ) Transfer the clipboard content given the specified mime type to the method caller via a file descriptor. The creation of the file descriptor is the responsibility of the callee. May only be called if clipboard access was given after starting the session. session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.Session` object mime_type The MIME type string of the requested format fd A UnixFD handle to the contents of the selection being read .. _org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard Signals: ------- Signals ------- .. _org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard::SelectionOwnerChanged: org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard::SelectionOwnerChanged ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: SelectionOwnerChanged ( session_handle o, options a{sv} ) Notifies the session that the clipboard selection has changed. Caller will only be notified if clipboard access was given after starting the session. Supported keys in the ``options`` vardict include: * ``mime_types`` (``as``) A list of MIME types for which the new clipboard selection has content * ``session_is_owner`` (``b``) A boolean for whether the session is the owner of the clipboard selection ('true') or not ('false') session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.Session` object options Vardict with optional further information .. _org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard::SelectionTransfer: org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard::SelectionTransfer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: SelectionTransfer ( session_handle o, mime_type s, serial u ) Notifies the session of a request for clipboard content of the given mime type. The callee provides a serial to track the request, which any `org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard.SelectionWrite`_ responses must use. Once the caller is done handling the 'SelectionTransfer' request, they must call `org.freedesktop.portal.Clipboard.SelectionWriteDone`_ with the corresponding request's serial and whether the request completed successfully. If the request is not handled, the caller should respond by setting 'success' to 'false'. Caller will only be notified if clipboard access was given after starting the session. session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.Session` object mime_type The mime-type string of the requested format serial The serial used to track this transfer, to which the answer of this request must use