.. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Print: ================================= Print ================================= ----------- Description ----------- .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Print Description: Print portal backend interface The Print portal allows sandboxed applications to print. .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Print Methods: ------- Methods ------- .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Print.PreparePrint: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Print.PreparePrint ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: PreparePrint ( IN handle o, IN app_id s, IN parent_window s, IN title s, IN settings a{sv}, IN page_setup a{sv}, IN options a{sv}, OUT response u, OUT results a{sv} ) Presents a print dialog to the user and returns print settings and page setup. Supported keys in the ``options`` vardict: * ``modal`` (``b``) Whether to make the dialog modal. Defaults to yes. * ``accept_label`` (``s``) Label for the accept button. Mnemonic underlines are allowed. The following results get returned via the ``results`` vardict: * ``settings`` (``a{sv}``) Print settings as set up by the user in the print dialog. * ``page-setup`` (``a{sv}``) Page setup as set up by the user in the print dialog. * ``token`` (``u``) Token that can be passed to a subsequent `org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Print.Print`_ call to bypass the print dialog. The :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.Print.Print` documentation has details about the supported keys in settings and page-setup. handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Request` object representing this call app_id App id of the application parent_window Identifier for the application window, see :doc:`window-identifiers` title Title for the print dialog settings Serialized print settings page_setup Serialized page setup options Vardict with optional further information response Numeric response results Vardict with the results of the call .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Print.Print: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Print.Print ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: Print ( IN handle o, IN app_id s, IN parent_window s, IN title s, IN fd h, IN options a{sv}, OUT response u, OUT results a{sv} ) Prints a file. The file is given in the form of a file descriptor open for reading. If a valid token is present in the ``options``, then this call will print with the settings from the Print call that the token refers to. If no token is present, then a print dialog will be presented to the user. Note that it is up to the portal implementation to determine how long it considers tokens valid. Supported keys in the ``options`` vardict: * ``modal`` (``b``) Whether to make the dialog modal. Defaults to yes. * ``token`` (``u``) Token that was returned by a previous `org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Print.PreparePrint`_ call. handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Request` object representing this call app_id App id of the application parent_window Identifier for the application window, see :doc:`window-identifiers` title Title for the print dialog fd File descriptor from which to read the content to print options Vardict with optional further information response Numeric response results Vardict with the results of the call