.. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture: ======================================== Input Capture ======================================== ----------- Description ----------- .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture Description: Capture input portal backend interface The Capture Input portal allows clients to capture input from local devices. This portal is mostly a 1:1 mapping of the :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.InputCapture` portal, see that portal's documentation for details on methods, signals and arguments. This documentation describes version 1 of this interface. .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture Properties: ---------- Properties ---------- .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture:SupportedCapabilities: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture:SupportedCapabilities ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: SupportedCapabilities readable u A bitmask of supported capabilities. This list is constant, it is not the list of capabilities currently available but rather which capabilies are implemented by the portal. Applications must ignore unknown capabilities. Currently defined types are: - ``1``: KEYBOARD - ``2``: POINTER - ``4``: TOUCHSCREEN .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture:version: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture:version ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: version readable u .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture Methods: ------- Methods ------- .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.CreateSession: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.CreateSession ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: CreateSession ( IN handle o, IN session_handle o, IN app_id s, IN parent_window s, IN options a{sv}, OUT response u, OUT results a{sv} ) Create a capture input session. Supported keys in the ``options`` vardict include: * ``capabilities`` (``u``) Bitmask of requested capabilities, see the SupportedCapabilities property. This value is required. The following results get returned in the ``results`` vardict: * ``session_id`` (``s``) The session id. A string representing the created capture input session. * ``capabilities`` (``u``) The capabilities available to this session. This is always a subset of the requested capabilities. handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Request` object representing this call session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Session` object representing the session being created app_id App id of the application parent_window Identifier for the application window, see :doc:`window-identifiers` options Vardict with optional further information response Numeric response results Vardict with the results of the call .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.GetZones: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.GetZones ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: GetZones ( IN handle o, IN session_handle o, IN app_id s, IN options a{sv}, OUT response u, OUT results a{sv} ) Return the current zones for this session. The following results get returned in the ``results`` vardict: * ``zones`` (``a(uuii)``) An array of zones with width, height, x-offset, y-offset. * ``zone_set`` (``u``) The zone_set ID required in `org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.SetPointerBarriers`_. handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Request` object representing this call session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Session` object representing the session app_id App id of the application options Vardict with optional further information response Numeric response results Vardict with the results of the call .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.SetPointerBarriers: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.SetPointerBarriers ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: SetPointerBarriers ( IN handle o, IN session_handle o, IN app_id s, IN options a{sv}, IN barriers aa{sv}, IN zone_set u, OUT response u, OUT results a{sv} ) Set up zero or more pointer barriers. Supported keys in the ``barriers`` vardicts include: * ``barrier_id`` (``u``) The non-zero id of this barrier. This id is used in the #org.freedesktop.portal.impl.InputCapture::Activated signal to inform which barrier triggered input capture. * ``position`` (``(iiii)``) The x1/y1 x2/y2 position of the pointer barrier. A horizontal pointer barrier must have y1 == y2, a vertical pointer barrier must have x1 == x2. Diagonal pointer barriers are not supported. The following results get returned in the ``results`` vardict: * ``failed_barriers`` (``au``) An array of barrier_ids of pointer barriers that have been denied. The id matches the barrier_id of the entries in the ``barriers`` argument. handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Request` object representing this call session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Session` object representing the session app_id App id of the application options Vardict with optional further information barriers An array of vardicts, each specifying one barrier zone_set A unique ID referring to the zone set response Numeric response results Vardict with the results of the call .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.Enable: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.Enable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: Enable ( IN session_handle o, IN app_id s, IN options a{sv}, OUT response u, OUT results a{sv} ) Enable input capturing. session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Session` object representing the session app_id App id of the application options Vardict with optional further information response results .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.Disable: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.Disable ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: Disable ( IN session_handle o, IN app_id s, IN options a{sv}, OUT response u, OUT results a{sv} ) Disable input capturing. session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Session` object representing the session app_id App id of the application options Vardict with optional further information response results .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.Release: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.Release ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: Release ( IN session_handle o, IN app_id s, IN options a{sv}, OUT response u, OUT results a{sv} ) Release ongoing input capturing. Supported keys in the ``options`` vardict include: * ``activation_id`` (``u``) The same activation_id number as in the `org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture::Activated`_ signal. * ``cursor_position`` (``(dd)``) The suggested cursor position within the Zones available in this session. This is a suggestion to the compositor to place the cursor in the correct position to allow for fluent movement between virtual screens. The compositor is not required to honor this suggestion. session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Session` object representing the session app_id App id of the application options Vardict with optional further information response results .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.ConnectToEIS: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.ConnectToEIS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: ConnectToEIS ( IN session_handle o, IN app_id s, IN options a{sv}, OUT fd h ) Set up the connection to an EIS implementation. Once input capturing starts, input events are sent via the EI protocol between the compositor and the application. This call must be invoked before :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.InputCapture.Enable`. A session only needs to set this up once, the EIS implementation is not affected by calls to Disable() and :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.InputCapture.Enable` - the same context can be re-used until the session is closed. session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.Session` object app_id App id of the application options Vardict with optional further information fd A file descriptor to an EIS implementation that can be passed to a passive libei context .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture Signals: ------- Signals ------- .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture::Disabled: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture::Disabled ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: Disabled ( session_handle o, options a{sv} ) The Disabled signal is emitted when the application will no longer receive captured input. If input capturing is currently ongoing, the `org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture::Deactivated`_ signal is emitted before this signal. session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Session` object representing the session options Vardict with optional further information .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture::Activated: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture::Activated ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: Activated ( session_handle o, options a{sv} ) The Activated signal is emitted when input capture starts and input events are about to be sent to the application. This signal is only emitted after a prior call to `org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.Enable`_. Supported keys in the ``options`` vardict include: * ``activation_id`` (``u``) A number that can be used to synchronize with the transport-layer. This number has no intrinsic meaning but is guaranteed to increase by an unspecified amount on each call. In particular: if the compositor sends an activation_id of N as part of this request it will also set the sequence in EIS' start_emulating event the same value N on the EIS connection before the first event from a device is sent. This allows an application to have a synchronization point and attribute an event sequence to the portal interaction. Applications must be able to handle the activation_id number wrapping around. Implementations of this portal must to increase the activation_id number by an sensible amount to allow for wrapping detection. * ``cursor_position`` (``(dd)``) The current cursor position. Note that this position may be outside the Zones available to this session - this indicates movement larger than a single pixel. For example, a fast movement against a barrier on the right edge of a screen may logically put the cursor dozens of pixels into the (non-existing) screen on the other side of the barrier. It is the application's responsibility to adjust the cursor position as necessary. * ``barrier_id`` (``u``) The barrier id of the barrier that triggered. If the value is nonzero, it matches the barrier id as specified in `org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture.SetPointerBarriers`_. If the id is zero, the pointer barrier could be determined. If the id is missing, the input capture was not triggered by a pointer barrier. Where more than one pointer barrier are triggered by the same movement it is up to the compositor to choose one barrier (or use a barrier id of zero). session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Session` object representing the session options Vardict with optional further information .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture::Deactivated: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture::Deactivated ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: Deactivated ( session_handle o, options a{sv} ) The Deactivated signal is emitted when input capture stopped and input events are no longer sent to the application. To prevent future input capture, an application must call :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.InputCapture.Disable`. Supported keys in the ``options`` vardict include: * ``activation_id`` (``u``) The same activation_id as in the corresponding `org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture::Activated`_ signal. * ``cursor_position`` (``(dd)``) The current cursor position. Note that this position may be outside the Zones available to this session - this indicates movement larger than a single pixel. For example, a fast movement against a barrier on the right edge of a screen may logically put the cursor dozens of pixels into the (non-existing) screen on the other side of the barrier. It is the application's responsibility to adjust the cursor position as necessary. session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Session` object representing the session options Vardict with optional further information .. _org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture::ZonesChanged: org.freedesktop.impl.portal.InputCapture::ZonesChanged ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :: ZonesChanged ( session_handle o, options a{sv} ) The ZonesChanged signal is emitted when one or more of the zones available **to this session** change. An application should immediately call :ref:`org.freedesktop.portal.InputCapture.GetZones` to update its state of the zones. session_handle Object path for the :ref:`org.freedesktop.impl.portal.Session` object representing the session options Vardict with optional further information