Common Conventions ================== XDG Desktop Portal uses D-Bus in a slightly uncommon way, due to the potentially long-running nature of some of its requests. These different usage patterns are documented in the pages below: .. toctree:: :hidden: terminology requests sessions window-identifiers .. cssclass:: tiled-toc * .. image:: _static/img/tiles/Terminology-l.png :target: terminology.html :class: only-light .. image:: _static/img/tiles/Terminology-d.png :target: terminology.html :class: only-dark :doc:`Terminology ` * .. image:: _static/img/tiles/Request-l.png :target: requests.html :class: only-light .. image:: _static/img/tiles/Request-d.png :target: requests.html :class: only-dark :doc:`Requests ` * .. image:: _static/img/tiles/Sessions-l.png :target: sessions.html :class: only-light .. image:: _static/img/tiles/Sessions-d.png :target: sessions.html :class: only-dark :doc:`Sessions ` * .. image:: _static/img/tiles/Window-ids-l.png :target: window-identifiers.html :class: only-light .. image:: _static/img/tiles/Window-ids-d.png :target: window-identifiers.html :class: only-dark :doc:`Window Identifiers `